1. Start at '',
Learn STL - Standard Template Library in C++.
2. Learn TC - Time Complexity from Abdul Bari's YouTube Videos.
3. Create a CodeForces account.
4. Find an A2OJ - A2 Online Judge website. There are many, pick any.
Here are a few:
Look at the 'Ladders' section. Start solving from the easiest problem (CodeForces Rating < 1300), and keep solving 5 problems per day.
[In a few websites, like (b), if you stumble upon the option of sorting by 'Division' or 'Rating' - choose 'Rating']
Trust the ladder.
-> Solve the problems WITH YOUR OWN MIND.
-> It is OKAY to take a look at programming language Documentation.
-> In CodeForces Contests, Div 4 = Easy, Div 1 = Hard. Problems in contests are arranged from Problem A to Problem D or more, in order of difficulty. Solve in order.
-> If you get stuck in a contest problem, say Problem B, and the contest is over, try the problem you were stuck at. Solve that and then the next one - in this case, C. You need not look at problems after that, like D. This is what people in CP domain call "Upsolving".
-> If you get stuck, keep trying for a couple of days (1-2 days). If you are not able to wrap your head around it, take a look at the solution - called 'Editorial' section in CodeForces.
If you knew the answer, it's on you.
Else if there's a new Concept that must be known in order to solve this, say Dynamic Programming, learn it and search for problems in that concept and solve 20 problems.
(Yes, the topics required to solve the problem will be mentioned in the Editorial)
-> Keep solving, keep learning. Be consistent for 6 months.
-> Participate in ANY CP competition / contest you see offline and online.
-> Important subjects for ANY interview are
>>> Systems Design &
>>> DBMS.
You will be ready for ANY coding interview after you master these subjects.
Be a consistent Competitive Programmer.